Bryan S. Best
writer of suspense, thriller, horror, Christian horror, dark fantasy, and young adult
I have completed two novels and have a third in progress. Both novels have been submitted for publication.
Exciting things are happening!
Check back soon!
NOTE: The original anthologies and magazine of my first-three publications are no longer in print. My story "Troll Bridge" originally published in 2012 in the horror anthology "Suffer the Little Children", and my story "Waking Up" originally published in the medical-horror anthology "Under the Knife" (both published by Cruentus Libri Press) are no longer in print. And my short story "The Forbidden Rite: A Duel" originally published in the October 2015 issue of "Devolution Z" magazine is also no longer in print. **********

"Finding Mau Loa" is a stage play which was performed at First Baptist Concord in Knoxville, Tennessee on Friday, June 15th, 2018. This play was for FBC's vacation bible school, Concord Quest, which ran from June 10th - June 17th of 2018. The play is NOW AVAILABLE on DVD! Contact me directly for information on obtaining a DVD copy of this play.